Am sarutat si am fost sarutati, si am simtit ca ne e bine, poate fie si din egoism, doar din placerea proprie; de ziua noastra, de catre parinti, usor pe frunte, de catre colegi sau iubiti, sau pur si simplu aiurea, sau doar din departari, din vorbe; insa...cele pe care le asteptam, le-am asteptat si nu le-am primit, si mai greu, pe care nu le-am dat niciodata...alea ne fac sa fim, nu mai puternici, doar usor mai cu pofta de lupta si poate ca ne-au intarit atunci cand am fost refuzati; dar cand, chiar si noi o facem, ne refuzam, nu ne gandim ca data viitoare nu va mai exista. Asteptam sa fim singuri, dar mandri, uitand ca punctul de pornire al singuratatii este tocmai acel sarut neprimit niciodata...singuratate care isi ia energia din tot ce am sigilat in noi si care nu va fi cunoscut nimanui; asteptam acea persoana care sa ne faca sa rabufnim, sa dam pe afara, si care sa ne poata scoate din ghearele noastre proprii; numai daca vrem, si daca nu cumva ne place prea mult singuratatea crescanda, din lipsa unui simplu sarut de ramas bun...

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Am pene, Anne!:))
Pentru ca trebuia sa demonstrez ca am, iata-le...mai ciufulite, mai imprastiate, valvoi, pufoase sau aliniate, sunt ale mele; deci pot spune vorba aceea, hi hi hi
Monday, April 25, 2011
Mi-a fost dor sa ma plimb prin balci
Pare totul fals, acum, tarziu, peste ani; dar chiar si asa, te face sa te simti apartinand inca acelei lumi, plina de fantezie si spun ca am tras cu...tulumba?am tras, si am castigat 10 fise din foarte multele posibile...m-am uitat la copiii care tipau, la cei care mancau vata de zahar - nu pe bat neaparat, ci din galetusa din plastic sau cornet din folie de celofan...ce vremuri traim...m-am uitat la lanturi, dorindu-mi sa mai simt si eu cum este sa te balangani...m-am uitat la ceva numit Booster, in care nu mi-as fi dorit sa fiu, atat de repede, dupa atatia ani departe de balci, dar in care, acum, cand scriu, imi pare rau ca nu am avut curaj sa ma urc; curaj pe care si un copil il are...oare am uitat sa mai fiu copil, sau am uitat cat de frumos si simplu era totul? habar nu am...mai stiu doar ca la urmatorul balci, am sa inchid ochii, si indiferent de consecinte, ma voi sui in Booster-ul meu!
Butterfly Kisses
Pentru cei care, dintre noi toti, au o o copila, adolescenta sau femeie...sau toate la un loc poate, inca...
Pentru cele care, dintre noi toate, se simt copile, adolescente, sau femei...sau toate la un loc poate, inca...
Pentru cele care, dintre noi toate, se simt copile, adolescente, sau femei...sau toate la un loc poate, inca...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
"Prima zi cu Lumina..."
Sa aveti Lumina si cand se va dati Lumina celor vi se dea Lumina cand ve-ti deveni intunecati...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Couldn't Have Said It Better
"And you said nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
Little lady, I think there's something on your mind
I've known you long enough to know
The words are not that hard to find
And the harder you try and the
longer you go
Well there's nothing but love in those
eyes anymore
You know what to say but you never know how
You can keep your mouth shut because it
doesn't really matter right now
I will guide you all the way
Because I know exactly what you're trying to say
You have the right to remain silent
I'll get the lights... you get that smile
and you say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
I see the angels, they're standing
right outside your door
They're watching over me, they're
watching over us all
You can send them home tonight, because you
won't need them anymore
In your arms I think I've found the
safest place to fall
When I step in the door and I stare at
your face
There are so many things that I wish
I could say
Well I struggle with words but they put up a fight
You can keep your mouth shut, because it
doesn't really matter tonight
I will guide you all the way tonight
Because I know exactly what you're
trying to say
You have the right to remain silent
I'll get the light... you get that smile
and you say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
And I know you feel the same
You've been searching for the words,
Now you know what to say
Just say nothing - Don't say a word
Silence is gold - Don't say a word
This is the moment we've been waiting for
If I exercise my right
I will take your body language and hold it
against you tonight
And I know you feel the same
I've wondered all my life, if this moment comes
would I know what to say
Then you say nothing at all
So many times I stumbled on the
words I wanted to say
You say nothing at all
So many thoughts, that I should
have just let my heart explain
You say nothing at all
So many ways we could turn the
words around
You say nothing at all
So many nights our hearts came
crashing to the ground
You say nothing at all
So many dreams that are finally
coming true
Well, I couldn't have said it better myself
Now you finish me off when you
finish my thoughts the way you do
You say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else!"
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
Little lady, I think there's something on your mind
I've known you long enough to know
The words are not that hard to find
And the harder you try and the
longer you go
Well there's nothing but love in those
eyes anymore
You know what to say but you never know how
You can keep your mouth shut because it
doesn't really matter right now
I will guide you all the way
Because I know exactly what you're trying to say
You have the right to remain silent
I'll get the lights... you get that smile
and you say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
I see the angels, they're standing
right outside your door
They're watching over me, they're
watching over us all
You can send them home tonight, because you
won't need them anymore
In your arms I think I've found the
safest place to fall
When I step in the door and I stare at
your face
There are so many things that I wish
I could say
Well I struggle with words but they put up a fight
You can keep your mouth shut, because it
doesn't really matter tonight
I will guide you all the way tonight
Because I know exactly what you're
trying to say
You have the right to remain silent
I'll get the light... you get that smile
and you say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else
And I know you feel the same
You've been searching for the words,
Now you know what to say
Just say nothing - Don't say a word
Silence is gold - Don't say a word
This is the moment we've been waiting for
If I exercise my right
I will take your body language and hold it
against you tonight
And I know you feel the same
I've wondered all my life, if this moment comes
would I know what to say
Then you say nothing at all
So many times I stumbled on the
words I wanted to say
You say nothing at all
So many thoughts, that I should
have just let my heart explain
You say nothing at all
So many ways we could turn the
words around
You say nothing at all
So many nights our hearts came
crashing to the ground
You say nothing at all
So many dreams that are finally
coming true
Well, I couldn't have said it better myself
Now you finish me off when you
finish my thoughts the way you do
You say nothing at all
Well I couldn't have said it better myself
Tonight the conversation takes the fall
Just love me like you love nobody else!"
Friday, April 22, 2011
nu...din nou Noi, aliniati ...pusi sa ne asortam, ne alegem sau ni se alege raftul corespunzator, si ne facem daca suntem luati, priviti, aranjati, alesi, ramane locul gol pe veni un inlocuitor, dar oare se va potrivi cu ceilalti? daca va fi acceptat, daca va accepta, noul venit poate avea mult de numai caldura data golului ce a fost odata, dar niciodata uitat, ci si o noua culoare, si de ce nu, un nou scop - de a ne face sa ne putem odihni pe o perna.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Orase cu suflete...
asa suntem noi...inghesuiti unii in altii, simtindu-ne unii pe altii, chinuindu-ne sa ajungem cat mai sus peste ceilalti, si totusi tacuti, de cele mai multe ori; nu avem curajul sa ne desprindem, ne gandim ca vom fi exclusi, tinem cont ca celalalt ne atinge si nu suportam gandul ca daca nu ar mai face-o, am fi rupti, de toti ceilalti...mai inalti sau nu, diferiti sau nu, avem cam acelasi lucru deasupra capului...avem care il chinuim, incercand sa il tinem captiv...daca reusim sa ne desprindem pentru un timp, regretam amarnic, ca nu mai putem simti si palariile, poate doar desprinsi, suntem in stare sa simtim liber, sa gandim liber; si paradoxal cumva, sa fim cel mai aproape de celelalte suflete, dezlipiti fiind din colonia noastra comfortabila; suntem suflete inghesuite unele in altele, fara daca vreunul din noi decide sa faca doar cativa pasi mai departe de aglomeratie, in scurt timp, se usuca, singur...dar sufletul inca mai este, si dupa ce ne-am uscat, privind de sus, intotdeauna aproape de sufletele din orase...
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